
Pardot Form Handler

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Form Handlers in Pardot are an alternative to Pardot forms. You can use a Form Handler to integrate your third-party or custom forms with Pardot to track submission data.

When using Form Handlers it is not possible to easily map Gravity Forms fields with Form Handler fields. You have to enter these manually one by one in the Pardot settings of the Gravity Forms form.

  1. Copy and paste the Endpoint URL of the Form Handler into the Form Handler Endpoint field of the Gravity Forms Pardot settings.
  2. Click on Update settings

At the bottom you will now see a possibility to map fields yourself. In the left column enter the External Field Name of Pardot and in the right column select a field from the Gravty Forms form. The Pardot field aliases can be found under the heading Form Field Mappings when you open the Form Handler in Pardot:

Click the plus sign to the right of the fields to manually map multiple fields. Once all fields are linked, click Update Settings to save it.