

Estimated reading: 2 minutes
One-click payment is a way to make a direct donation via a URL where the visitor is redirected to his / her bank page in one go. The advantage of this is that the complete flow is identical to filling in a donation form, but without going through the page containing the form. In order for One-Click-Payment to work, you must at least meet the following points:
  1. A form must be created which is fully linked to a Salesforce payment
  2. The form must be on a page (hidden if necessary) in case the donor terminates his / her donation.
  3. A thank you message or thank you page must be set up for successful donor capture.
  4. The fields of the form you want to fill must be set to be filled dynamically. Read more information about this at this website .
If the above points are set, the URL for a One-Click-Payment can look like this:
There are a number of mandatory parameters in the URL:
  • amount Enter the amount for the donation here
  • form_id Enter the ID of the Gravity Forms form where the payment should be handled here
  • contact (optional) Enter an ID of a Salesforce Contact
  • here
If you do not include a Salesforce Contact ID in the URL, a first name, last name, and email address are also required to include in the URL. As soon as you click on the link, the form will be pre-filled with the required values and sent via the API. If fields are missing or errors occur, they will be displayed immediately.