
Dynamic content in emails

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

Marketing Cloud can send emails in a Transactional Email event. In these emails it is technically possible to use dynamic content that can be set in the form. However, it is necessary that you have set up this technical solution in Marketing Cloud. If you are interested in this feature, please contact us.

Follow the steps below to set up dynamic content for Marketing Cloud Emails:

  1. Go to the Settings of the form and click on the MC Email Content tab.
  2. Enter a unique identifier for the connection between Marketing Cloud and CampaignSuite. This value cannot contain spaces, only lowercase letters. Later it is also possible to map this identifier to a Marketing Cloud field with a Feed action.
  3. Enter the text to be placed in the email.
  4. You can also choose an image that can be used in the email.
  5. Click on Save Settings to save everything

Technically it is now possible to use this dynamic content in emails from Marketing Cloud via the Endpoints shown in this tab.

Mapping of unique identifier

When you have entered a unique identifier you can map this field to a Data Extension field in the Marketing Cloud Feed actions:

So this feature provides the way to dynamically populate the content of an email from Marketing Cloud with information from the form very dynamically.