
Connected app

Estimated reading: 1 minute

A Connected App within Salesforce ensures that you can set up an authorized connection in a secure way to send data back and forth. This connection is established through oAuth .

Follow the steps below to add the Connected App to SalesForce.

    1. Go to Salesforce Setup and search for App .
    2. Then click on App manager in the search results
    3. Click on New Connected App in the top right corner
    4. Enter a Connected App Name and a contact email address.
    5. Check the checkbox Enable OAuth Settings under the heading API (Enable OAuth Settings)
    6. Enter the following link at Callback URL :
      This link can be found in the CampaignSuite settings under the Salesforce tab:
    7. Add the following 2 rights to Selected OAuth Scopes :
      – Access and manage your data (api)
      – Perform requests on your behalf at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
    8. Click on save at the bottom of the page

It can take an average of 10 minutes for settings to be processed in Salesforce. In the meantime, copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret from the newly created App. We will soon set this up at CampaignSuite.